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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Day 3 in St. Paul

Yesterday we seemed to just wait around. But mid-afternoon the doctor that was doing rounds came to visit us. He is an epileptologist with the same group but with an adult specialty. He was very nice and easy to work with; hopefully he will be with the Minnesota group for a long while so we can work with him down the road.

We made the decision that we will go with the Ketogenic Diet, we found out that we have an appointment on Monday with the keto dietician. There was some confusion as to if we can start the keto diet right away after Grace gets her G-tube, looks like the timing is not a big issue we can start the keto diet with the NG-tube. So we will need to discuss the scheduling with the GI doctor also on Monday. He has trying to contact our GI in Des Moines on Friday but they were not able to connect. It will probably be Tuesday (at the earliest) before they schedule her in.

The G-tube procedure puts the tube down her throat and pushes out through her stomach wall and through the skin, then there is some sort of plug that we will be able to open up to feed her. The big reason for needing this tube for the diet is that since her feedings are specially calculated she needs to eat everything that we will give her. So if she won't take it by bottle we give it to her by tube. Even later on when she starts eating real food she will need to eat everything given to remain in the state of ketosis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what hard decisions you have had to make. precious babe