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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Throwing Up and Pbbbbbbbt

Well Grace is back in the hospital..... we took Grace to the pediatrician Monday morning and he sent us here..... we were approaching dehydration... we actually had crossed the line a little bit but she got hooked up to some fluids and a slow drip is now providing her with some very important calories. She had a test this morning to look at her reflux - she threw up 16 minutes into it.... we have to do it again tomorrow. If it is reflux we will have to look at a surgery as we have exhausted all medication avenues.

Since we last wrote we seem to have been very busy --- Jennifer and Cori have both left, we miss them both and are getting to know the new people who are taking care of Grace -- I just get overwelmed when I think about how much they both love Grace.

Kevin has started a new job -- regular hours... no weekends! All the red and Khaki has been thrown away.

I submitted my grant application to hopefully further my employment with IDPH.

Grace (despite the throwing up) continues to make great strides, and her hair just keeps growing and getting curlier. She has a few new tricks since we talked with you last, she will lift her chin to you when she wants to be kissed, and makes this great noise with her lips (the pbbbbbst I mentioned in the title). She was so funny when they were putting in the IV - cry and then pbbbbst....cry some more than pbbbst.....pbbbst --

We'll keep you as up to date as we can.... if she could just have an hour of not throwing up tomorrow morning that will sure help us know what to do next. My Mom is here today and tomorrow to help with Grace ---- so glad she's out of school and not fishing yet! I think that's it -- I'll write more later to let you know.


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