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Grace's Blog has moved to: http://www.hooverspad.com

Friday, December 29, 2006

Early Christmas Present

As you can see from the previous post, Grace went to daycare. We got a call last Thursday the 22nd and were told that Grace was one of 50 people approved for funding through Polk County to help out with Day Care for Exceptional Children's cost! This was a huge early Christmas present! When I say huge I mean really really really big and overwhelming. We were told that we would not get funding until 2008 if we were lucky do to some squandering of funds and political bureaucracy, imagine that. Grace will go back for two days this coming week and we will do that for a couple weeks and then see where we will go from there.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Well deserved...and earned!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to Grace! I check the blog and keep you all in my prayers. I pray that 2007 will see lots of positive developments for Grace and her family. When do we get to see a new picture?!