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Saturday, June 16, 2007

fundoplication --- not much fun!

We were able to bring Grace home from the hospital last night. She made it through the nuclear imaging study on Thursday which found that she is continually refluxing, most likely it really hurts her, the surgeon told us yesterday that some adults think they are having a heart attack when it happens to them.

We are not jumping up and down to have any surgery done on Grace, but if we do this now any damage that has been done can be healed, Grace will be able to gain weight which will allow her to become stronger and may offer us further options in regards to seizure medication. It will be a slightly tricky surgery in that her g-tube is already in place -- please pray that it will not have to be removed during surgery and then reinserted following the fundoplication.

Grace will have surgery on Wednesday and then be in the hospital for several days following that. In the meantime we have her hooked up to a pump getting a little over one ounce an hour of formula. We are to have her hooked up 20-21 hours a day. Tonight we are taking her off for a little bit so we can attend an event for Hoover. At work over the winter we talked of getting all of our dogs(and families) together for some chasing around......tonight is the night and thanks to Suzi Hoover hasn't been as entirely neglected as he would have been........ but this night in the Harris Household is all about him.


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