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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Home is where the heart is?

Home is where the heart is...... I'm not sure that's true today. My heart has been in Des Moines and St. Paul the last two weeks... split between the blonde-haired blue-eyed man that I love and the little blonde-haired blue-eyed girl we had together. How can home be in two places?

Home is where your family is. Where the basset hound barks at the mailman, where the next store neighbor grins as she works happily in her yard, where your little girl smiles at ceiling fans, where your husband doesn't clean off the stove top after he cooks, and makes you laugh with gusto because of something funny he said.

If the last two weeks have taught me nothing else..... it has taught me that sometimes there isn't a whole lot of difference between what is simple and what is complex.

1/16th of a teaspoon of salt allowed us to come home....... 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt assures that Grace's body will remain healthy as it learns to take energy from fat...... 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt means that one of us has to stay up later in order to make sure that Grace gets that salt..... 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt led to the purchase of new measuring spoons.... 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt may allow our daughter to smile more, laugh, learn..... 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt...... it's unreal to me even now as I sit here knowing that most likely I am failing miserably at getting my point across..... but I ask for your patience and want you to know that it makes sense to me!


Anonymous said...

I am soooooo relieved that my Harris' are home. I having been thinking of you and praying for safe return ALOT!!!! Although the Twin Cities seem empty to me without you here. Your last entry was poetic Joy!!! Big tears out of your Cori, who loves you all so much. Bless you! I miss you!

Anonymous said...


Jason and I miss you and love you! Lots of hugs and kisses. We hope to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

hi joy. This is Oskar's mom from the hospital. I hope the diet is working. I've been thinking about you guys. I'm hoping to be in there soon getting oskie on it too. Best wishes!