We've Moved!

Grace's Blog has moved to: http://www.hooverspad.com

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pumpkin Farm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joy and Kevin -
I haven't been on for a while... ok I lost the website... but Megan helped me out. The pictures are great. She is such a cutie and those curls!!! Ashley had curls like that and they are gone - I miss them. She looks like she is making progress - growing well. Try not to worry about how others will perceive her... she will probably teach so many other people important lessons they may have never learned if she had not crossed their path. If there is one thing I have learned it is that your children are a bright light to others (even if they are screaming or not especially cute to you at the moment.) Grace is a gift - you are both so strong and blessed. I am amazed by your dedication. Know that you are in my prayers.