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Saturday, December 02, 2006

ER Sleep Deprivation

We visited Blank ER tonight/this morning. Grace has been vomiting her formula, baby food and medicine. This was sporadic but starting to get more frequent. Tonight she threw up a large amount of formula and all of her meds. We re-dosed one med and within minutes is was back up and she was gagging and grasping for air. We called Dr. Slovan the GI on-call and after discussing the issue he felt that the G-tube may have moved, etc so he wanted us to go in.

They took X-rays but everything looked fine. They ran a but of blood tests, levels on all of her meds and several others. Turned out she has a urinary tract infection. This doesn't have anything really to do with her immune system it is just one of those things and apparently vomiting is something that comes along with it. They gave Grace a shot and a script for an antibiotic. We will see how she does.

Grace had several seizures, two while in the ER, they were harder than normal but she was never able to keep her evening doses of meds down. It will be interested seeing how her seizures react if we can get the vomiting under control and she can keep her meds down again.

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