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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Baby's First EEG

Today marked the day of Grace's first EEG. About two weeks ago we noticed that she was having little spasms in which she would tighten her fists and crunch her arms and legs into her body…somewhat curling into the fettle position. We called Iowa Health's My Nurse and they thought it was just a startle reflex as we seemed to notice it primary after she would wake up.

After a week went by and we attempted to startle her on our own and we could not reproduce this “startle reflex” we when to our pediatrician's office, they felt that it was a case of acid reflux. This was difficult to understand as Grace has never been much of a spit-up baby. The thought was that she was spitting up but swallowing/gagging on the spit-up which was causing the spasm or gagging reflex. We started Grace on Prilosec and after a few days of seeing no result and performing our own research on the web on infantile spasms we went back to see Dr. Fornoff. Fornoff was concerned and arranged for us to have an EEG, the results came back abnormal. The results being abnormal and that we need to take Grace to Blank to be admitted for more observation were our only pieces of information. We sat at home the rest of the day worrying and fearing the worse. Late that night Dr. Kabani, Pediatric Neurologist called us to let us know what he was thinking and the immediate plans for Grace. We were to come to Blank at 11am the next day to be admitted; from there Grace would undergo a Video EEG, and MRI of her brain, and a spinal tap. Now it was time to go to sleep and await the next day, good luck.

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