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Thursday, August 23, 2007

All About Perspective

This is a really humbling place to be - a place to realize that as human beings we are lacking in so much knowledge.... but also a place where if you are open to it people will give of themselves to you even when they have "had it up to here" and even find that you have reserves for others. Go figure.

Grace's blood sugars continue to be low, we've only hit 60 (the magic number) once. Mostly we are firmly below it. Grace has been crabby today..... but our nurse this morning told me that if I'd eaten only cheesecake since Monday at noon I would probably be crabby too--

She is about to get a bath -- meds-- and hopefully she'll hit the hay with relative ease.

We are doing some lab work in the morning and in the middle of the night in order to know what is going on. I feel really comfortable with the people in charge of this - (Dr. Frost and Allison) and I just can't make the hope down deep in me go away.... she is such a tough kid... and I think that once we can get it all figured out.. get her home and in her own crib... our girl will continue to blossom.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm here praying for you sweet little Grace....You've got a BIG God in heaven watching over you and who has big plans for your life...but for now I'll be praying for a good night sleep and a happier day tomorrow....with all the "magic" numbers to send you home soon!

love and many hugs! Jennifer