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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Iowa Fight Song

Walking from the Lipschulz building this morning on my way back to Grace I found myself humming the Iowa Fight Song. It was odd -- but I realize very appropriate.

She was having a seizure when I walked in - guilt comes so fast! I couldn't get her to sleep yesterday. There is so much going on here. Rooms are shared, there are lots of people, and lots of people poking at her.

Everyone loves her hair, and she definitely feels right at home because she is talking up a storm.

I start my formal training today on the Ketogenic diet -- I'm worried that Grace may keep us here longer than the four-five days they said. She had 2 tonic clonic seizures this morning -- she drooled up a storm yesterday - and my glasses are already covered with Grace goo this morning.

My initial impressions of the diet are that it will change our lives.... but not as significantly as I imagined. Of course it's easy for me to say that now after reading. Allison will be here in an hour or so to begin the formal training. Let the learning begin!

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